i have been stuck. i'm tired of being stuck. i still write. often. because that is what writers do. we write. we have to. we can't not.
but i don't write here. and i've been so frustrated with myself for not showing up here, because here is where i get to connect with you, and here is where i want to be.
it hit me tonight.
i haven't been here, because i'm not being authentic. i have been writing on paper where it is safe, and where nothing has to be shared or explained, i can just be heather. broken. motivated. shattered. hopeful. but here? i have to pretend. protect. evade. and i just don't have the energy for that anymore.
i'm taking care of business today. i'm punching fear in the face so that i can drag my weary soul out of stuck and bring it here. where i can share. be heather. broken. motivated. shattered. hopeful.
i have a secret.
i didn't mean for it to be a secret. it sort of became one because life is messy and painful and jagged, and slippery, and when do you ever think that you will wind up here? and when you wind up here, how do you tell people you are here? so. here is my secret.
i have been separated from my husband for more than a year.
i said it.
it's out now. i'm not taking it back.
how do you share that? there are no announcements from shutterfly to say that 'we're separated!' there are no delicate and non dramatic ways to post it on facebook. and so... those who are in my regular life know, some on the fringes know, and some will be shocked. but this is my reality. i am a single mother, this year has been hell on earth, and i don't see any sign of relief.
i have struggled with writing here, and have allowed the cotton mouthed feeling of fear to stop my waterfall of words with its soul sucking power. i have been afraid to wound my children should they ever read my writing in the future. i'm afraid for people to pity me. i'm afraid to hurt him, even though so many hurtful things have been done to us. i'm a dramatic person, but i don't like drama. i won't go on facebook and share the hurts of my heart at his hand because it does nothing but make me look small and create drama. i have to admit that there is a small part of me that would like to tell you some of what has happened, to hopefully 'get you on my side' and hope that maybe you will judge me a bit less, and maybe feel more gracious towards me- but really? that shouldn't matter. i should be able to show up and say that i am not with my husband, i have been deeply wounded, i am afraid, i am parenting 4 children alone, this is really hard...... and find space for my heart to rest. even without all of the painful, ugly, rancid details.
so. my secret is exposed. i feel freedom to write again. because now you can relate to me where i am.. and i won't have to bend and maneuver my words to protect the secret any longer. it can float free and my words can swim effortlessly around the truth. bringing relief to my heart. clarity to my mind. and maybe even some healing to you.
i am overjoyed at the thought of being here again and writing from my raw heart. i have so very much to share. hard things. amazing things you can't even fathom. things of God's goodness that seem only to show up when the depth of the pit is so deep that only the hand of God can pull you out. thank you for indulging me. thank you for staying in my silence. even over years. this blog that has long sat dead, waiting for me to take back life again will change and grow over the next weeks and months. for now- this is the start.
i'm back. here.
Wow. Heather, thank you for sharing your story with the world. There is no telling the countless people who will be touched and healed as they relate to the authenticity of your story. How dare this world help you believe that you have to try to get us on your side so we wont judge you... We don't judge you, we praise your bravery and accept that you are where you are in life not because you're bad and deserve judgement but because we live in a broken world. Continue showing people the power and beauty of bravery and punching fear in the face.
I know this took so much courage. I'm proud of you. Thank you for sharing.
Sweet Heather. I knew even though I didn't know. I cheer for you and wish you peace and strength and joy despite the hard times. despite the pain. in the midst of the hard times and pain. and when I said i was praying for your marriage a while back on your fb page, i had a feeling in my spirit, yet, i wanted you to know that i was praying for your marriage. i still am. not some mamby pamby prayer that doesn't acknowledge that this is hard and we don't know what the future holds. it is a prayer that acknowledges that Abba knows and Abba cares and Abba is not waiting for this to all work out to be there for you and your children.
you are beautiful inside and out and I can't remember the last time I saw you in person or talked with you face to face. what I do know is that your beauty is like the back of your head right now. You can't see it with your own eyes so you will have to trust what you see reflected back to you. and don't look in any fun house mirrors!
Thank you. My wife asked for a separation 3 months ago and I'm feeling some of those same fears (albeit from the male perspective). I feel stuck. Stuck in this limbo of feeling like I can't talk about it without hurting someone's feelings. Stuck wanting to go public with a whole bunch of stuff but knowing I shouldn't so I don't. Stuck not being able to write because I just stop for no reason. Stuck feeling like I don't belong at church, at home, or anywhere. So, again. Thank you.
You're so brave. You are my hero. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait for you to unravel the story for us ... in your time.
Thanks for cracking the book back open.
Nicholas. I am SO sorry for your pain. I get it. I understand the grief, confusion, secrecy and anger. I too have had to walk through this in the church community and there is no handbook and no one to lead you through the landmines. I'm glad you found some pieces of yourself here.. if anything, knowing we aren't alone is some small solace. I will be praying as you begin this journey that none of us ever think we will take. I hope you find a way to share your heart if you wish- but that you can be gracious enough to yourself to do it in your time.
Friend. Your tender heart towards me is beautiful. I get 'knowing without knowing' and appreciate your prayers, love and grace. Thank you for leading me towards light and for loving me purely. I need that. xoxox
Thank you. THANK YOU! Sadly we all struggle with some level of judgement in places in our hearts.. and i know that i will be the target of some of that. But.. I'm learning it doesn't matter. Thank you for your grace and encouragement. My heart trembles and your words are sweet balm.
YOU are MY hero. So. We stand mutually loving one another. thank you for your gracious, abundant, indulgent love towards me. xox
Thank you for those gracious and soothing words. I hope you come back to visit me here. xo
Friend, thanks for sharing, real and raw. Praying for you and your heart. xoxox
Nicholas, at what point did you enter my head and drag out my exact thoughts, down to the number of months ago that the bomb dropped? Let me guess, you also feel like your life has been a total waste and you wonder why God even lets you go on living? I wonder that, too. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that my 4 children need me.
It's always too early to give up.
Thanks Adrienne- thank you so much.
Thank you for being honest, open, vulnerable. The world would be a better place if people were more open like you!
Thank you Jamie. I have always valued honesty.. but not in a jarring way.. in a way that connects us.. and allows each of to admit that we struggle, or hurt or need one another. Thanks for the encouragement and sweet words.
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