I'm in a place where i need God to be big. bigger than I've ever seen Him. i need to be able to provide for my family over the next year (and beyond) in ways i never dreamed I'd be providing.
I have always been an anxious person. Worry was a way of life for me. I spent a huge part of my life projecting into the future and planning out each road that life may possibly take. Now, I am in a season where there isn't much I have control over. I am being forced to live each day as it comes, and enjoy that day for what it is.
I am blessed to be living in a place now where my living costs are down. But, by next spring (summer at the latest) my expenses will go up quite drastically, and I have to figure out how to pay the bills.
The incredible thing is that I can see the thread of His provision throughout my entire life.. and over this last year He has come on strong in such incredible ways that I can't doubt his care for me. I know without a doubt that He has made a way for me through this year. I've kept a notebook of the amazing ways He has provided, and they knock my socks off. One day, I'll share some of them here...
the incredible thing is that because I have seen Him make a way so practically and perfectly over this last year, my anxiety is almost nonexistent. On paper, I know I should be terrified, but deep in the dark places of my soul where fear and doubt try to dwell, I have solid peace. Knowing that though this is bigger than me, it will be ok. I remember telling Him in prayer one evening when I didn't know where I would be living and needed to find a place quickly, that because things were so desperate, I knew without a doubt that the way out would have to be through Him. He didn't disappoint. He created a scenario for me and my kids that has been better than I could have manufactured on my own. I'm blown away by the way He has cared for the details, and am overwhelmed with the knowledge that this newest need is not lost on Him. I can't wait to see where it leads, and I know again, that however I get out of this will be clearly an act of God. We'll watch and see.
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